Dental Implants and Periodontics Plano, Texas

Welcome to Dr. Bradley Dean’s office. Dr. Dean is a restorative dentist and periodontist who serves patients in Dallas and Plano, TX. Our office focuses on restoring the appearance and function of the teeth and gums.

Dental implants and periodontal treatments are key for many patients with complex dental problems. When Dr. Dean treats these problems, he takes a comprehensive approach. He considers your teeth, gums, jaw, and bite. Dr. Dean will also consider medications and medical problems that can impact oral health.

bradley dean dentist periodontist plano tx

Why Choose Us?

Dr. Dean is a dentist and board-certified periodontist. He is also a highly trained oral surgeon who provides specialized care for dental implants and periodontics. Dr. Dean uses state-of-the-art technology, quality materials, and the highest standard of care. His goal is to restore a beautiful, functional smile.

Unlike a general dentist, Dr. Dean focuses on gum disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Dental implant procedures are a part of periodontal care.

Our periodontist in Plano, TX, places all types of dental implants. Implants deliver results that will not only look and feel natural but also support lasting dental health.

Our atmosphere and collaborative approach set us apart from other North Texas dentists. We provide individualized care and are sensitive to our patient’s unique needs and concerns. We offer the highest level of professional ethics, and we are committed to providing quality care. Our office treats patients in a comfortable and friendly environment.

Dental Implants and Periodontics in Plano, TX

 We provide comprehensive periodontal services at the office of D. Bradley Dean, D.D.S., M.S.

These services include: 

  • Gum surgery
  • Non-surgical gum treatment
  • Gum lift
  • Crown lengthening

From gummy smiles to gum disease, Dr. Dean provides treatments that address the look and health of the gums. Gums offer essential support to the teeth. Getting immediate treatment for a gum infection can save your teeth and gums.

Another restorative service is dental implants. Dental implants offer superior tooth replacement. As a highly trained periodontist, Dr. Bradley Dean offers specialized care for dental implants.

Our implant services include:

  • All-On-Four Implants
  • Same-day Implants
  • Emergency Dental Implants
  • Single Implants
  • Multiple Implants

When you restore your smile with dental implants, you can continue to enjoy the best quality of life after tooth loss.

Implants offer life-changing results if you have missing teeth or poor-fitting dentures. The integrity of your results with implant dentistry depends on your quality of care and your dentist’s expertise.

Our office focuses exclusively on implant dentistry and periodontal care. We want to produce beautiful and functional results.

Advanced Technology and Treatment

Dr. Dean uses the latest dental technology to provide comfortable, efficient care. Some of the newest treatments and technologies we use include:

  • Dental Lasers: Lasers offer non-surgical, minimally invasive treatments for patients with gum disease. Dental lasers use light and heat to eliminate bacteria. We can also use lasers to contour gum tissue for patients with a gummy smile.
  • X-rays: Digital X-rays allow our office to see the teeth, gums, and jaw bone to diagnose and treat patients. X-rays are key to treatment planning, especially for implant dentistry and gum treatment. 
  • Zygoma Implants: If you do not have enough jaw bone for traditional implant treatment, we recommend Zygoma implants. An experienced oral surgeon, Dr. Dean can place these implants to maximize the jaw bone.
  • Emergency Dental Implants: Same-day dental implants are possible. If you lose a tooth or need a tooth extraction and Dr. Dean determines you are a good candidate, we will place implants in one day. 

Comfortable Care

Our goal is to provide minimally invasive treatments. However, many treatments for advanced gum disease and missing teeth require lengthy care. These treatments may involve surgery that can take several hours.  

For the comfort of his patients, Dr. Dean offers a variety of sedation dentistry techniques. Under careful supervision, we can use IV sedation or oral sedation. Sedation can help you receive the dental treatments you need.

If you have dental anxiety, we welcome you to contact us before your next visit. Communication is essential to the patient-doctor relationship. We will tailor dental care to your needs and help you feel comfortable during treatment.

Our office also ensures your safety during each treatment. If you need sedation, we will find the right sedation based on your medications and medical conditions. 

Patient-Oriented Dental Office

We want to service our patients’ needs with excellence. Our office also aims to develop an understanding and appreciation of that excellence. As a part of this, we will strive to achieve the following goals:

  • To inform and educate our patients about gum disease and its treatment.
  • To establish a long-term commitment and responsibility to maintaining periodontal health. This commitment is a cooperative effort between the patient and the dental team.
  • To continue our education to provide our patients with the finest care available utilizing state of the art techniques.
  • To effectively and efficiently use our time and our patients’ time.
  • To encourage satisfied patients to refer their friends and family to our office for their needs.

We will constantly strive to achieve the following goals for referring dental offices:

  • To maintain open communication and feedback with our referring offices.
  • To understand that each office has individual needs. As we recognize this, we should strive to customize our services to meet the needs of each office.
  • To attract referrers, those offices that maintain the highest standards in patient care.

Finally, we will strive to remember that we function best as a team. We work interdependent of and respecting each other’s unique gifts and differing talents. No individual is more important than any other. We are always willing to help one another become all that he or she can be.

Contact Us Today

Get the dental care you deserve. Call Dr. Dean, your periodontist and dentist in Plano, TX, for care at (972) 666-1594. You can also schedule an appointment online.

Please let us know at your next visit if you have any questions. Our dental office proudly serves patients in Plano, Dallas, and the surrounding areas.